About Us

We are a group of people who care about privacy and transparency, and we’re working to protect our data and control its use.

We believe that citizens have a right to know:

  • What technologies are being used to collect data about them
  • The frequency and extent of such data collection
  • How data is stored and how long it is retained
  • What options are available to correct inaccurate information
  • Ways they can opt out of data collection
  • Methods available to have their stored data deleted
  • How much public funding is spent on surveillance equipment
  • The public benefit from the use of surveillance equipment

The public should have input into the acquisition and use of surveillance software and equipment by government and receive reports on:

  • Usage and effectiveness
  • Data sharing
  • Usage policies and violations thereof

We believe that people have a right to know what data about them is collected and how it’s used. Individuals should have input into the process and maintain control over their data, regardless of whether the information is being gathered by private companies or government agencies. Collected data should only be used for its original purpose unless further consent is granted by the individual.

Our mission

To bring about transparency and control in the acquisition and use of surveillance systems in the Portland Metro area, whether personal data is captured by the government or by commercial entities. Transparency is essential to ensure privacy protections, community control, fairness, and respect for civil rights.

Check out the initiatives we’ve been pursuing on our efforts page. Contact us using one of the methods below for more information or to get involved!